Monday, August 20, 2012

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts are not my favorite food in the world, however I don't always cook for JUST me. I cooked these up today as a treat for my girlfriend and possibly some lucky people at work tomorrow! There aren't too many photo's for this one since I was almost halfway done cooking them when I remembered to reach for the camera, sorry everybody!

Brussels Sprouts
3/4 cup Olive Oil
Ground Black Pepper
Italian Herbs
Garlic Salt

I began by cutting the Brussels Sprouts in half, top to bottom. I put all these into a mixing bowl and turned my attention to the stovetop.

I began with putting a large saucepan on the stovetop and turning the heat to medium. I then poured in about 3/4 cup of Olive Oil, possibly an entire cup's worth.

Once the Olive Oil is heated, pour in your Brussels Sprouts. Stir them around to get them properly coated by the Olive Oil. Then season them with your Ground Black Pepper, Italian Herbs, and Garlic Salt. I did not give an exact amount due to the fact that I know everyone has their own taste preferences. It will be hard to mess this up since only 3 spices really, so you can just add more here and there to get it to be perfect.

Every once in awhile stir them and by once in awhile, I mean do it regularly. You do not want them to sear themselves to the bottom of your pan. Let them cook for about 8 to 10 minutes, stirring regularly.

Now the fun part, taste test them! You should have enough in there to steal one or three out to taste. If they taste done, then take them off. If not, well just cook them a little longer! Then, enjoy!

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