Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Root Vegetable Soup

Due to the cooler weather this past weekend, I feel that soup season is officially upon us. The first result of that decision was the Chef's Beef Stew I posted about yesterday. This recipe is what happens when I have free time and am very hungry, so enjoy the aftermath.

1 Sweet Potato
4 Parsnips
5 Russet Potatoes
2 White Onions
3 Shallots
1/2 stick of Butter
Italian Herb Mix
Ground Black Pepper
Sea Salt

I started with the Shallots and White Onions.

I diced them up decently small. I also started a pot of water boiling with a beef bullion cube in it.

Now, I used the 1/2 stick of Butter and cut into several pieces and put in a large saucepan with the heat on at MEDIUM. Which of course I then dumped the diced up Shallots and White Onions in.

Once in, stir to make sure the Butter gets mixed around with the White Onions and Shallots. I kept the heat at MEDIUM to give me enough time to dice up the rest of the ingredients needed.

So I got the Sweet Potato, Russet Potatoes, and Parsnips out. I took 2 Sweet Potatoes out at first but once I started dicing everything up I decided that only 1 was needed. Sweet Potatoes do tend to be overpowering when coupled with regular Potatoes after all.

Once those were all diced up, I added those to the saucepan. The Onions and Shallots should have caramelized by now, but if not you should wait until they do to add the root vegetables.

Now add in about 1/2 the 'freshly made' beef stock. I would say about a 1/2 cup to 1 cup's worth. I didn't measure, so it's just a rough estimate.

I stirred it up and added some spices. I added in 2 pinches of Sea Salt coupled with a light sprinkling of the Ground Black Pepper. Quantity wise, about a 2:1 ratio of Ground Black Pepper to Sea Salt. Topped it all off with almost a 1/4 cup of Italian Herb Mix. The mix it all together and add the rest of the beef stock.

Let it come to a boil and then turn the heat down to just a bit below MEDIUM.

I let it cook for about 30 minutes, or until each of the ingredients were thoroughly cooked and feel soft.

Now you take a food processor or blender (I used a blender) and proceed to puree it like you're getting paid to. Then serve. Enjoy.

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