Saturday, August 18, 2012

Who doesn't like Flank Steak?

I love steak. I had never even heard of a Flank Steak cut of meat until I moved to Texas, however it has quickly become one of my favorite cuts. It is a quality cut with a moderate amount of fat that pretty much melts 100% away while cooking. This is a simple recipe I used today when making my lunch.

1 bottle Rahr Stormcloud IPA
1 lb Flank Steak
Lowry's Steak Seasoning
Garlic Salt
Ground Black Pepper

A simple recipe that I started off with cutting my flank steak into 3 portions. This is due to the fact that I like to eat my steak right after I buy it, so any longer is just pure agony. It's also easier to flip and cooks faster when in smaller portions.

I then turn the heat to medium and put my saucepan on the stove. I grab a bottle of Rahr Stormcloud IPA and pour all of it in. Any IPA would do, but I prefer local Rahr beer for this purpose.

I then turn back to my Flank Steak and season one side with Lowry's Steak Seasoning and a dash of Garlic Salt. I then place the Flank Steak seasoned side down into the beer. I then season the top side with Lowry's, Garlic Salt, and Ground Black Pepper.

I make sure to turn over the Flank Steak every so often, probably every 2 to 3 minutes. I let this go on for about 8 minutes and took out a piece, cut it to check how done it was. Still needed a minute, so back in it went. I did this only once, and then the Flank Steak was done to my desired doneness...medium well. Then I took it all out, cut it up, and had an amazing lunch. Enjoy.

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