Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sauteed Asparagus & Mushrooms

Today I decided an amazing feast was needed, so I took a look in my fridge. Low and behold what did I find!?! Asparagus and Cremini Mushrooms...what a great mix to make for an easy dinner! When I was growing up I stayed away from Asparagus due to that pungent aroma that wafted off of it, however now I have changed my ways and it is quite the tasty treat.

Cremini Mushrooms
Green Onions/Scallions
Teriyaki Sauce
Ground Black Pepper
Garlic Salt
Celery Salt
Italian Herb Mix
Sesame Seeds

I began with putting butter in a large saucepan and set the heat to medium. Then I covered it to speed it up a little bit, patience isn't exactly my strongest quality.

Once the butter was about halfway melted, I added in approximately half a cup of Sake. I moved the saucepan around so the butter and Sake mixed properly. To that, I added a healthy pinch or two of my Italian Herb Mix.

On top of this goes the Asparagus, which I then mixed into the butter/Sake mix by using a pair of tongs. Once that was done, I added a light dusting of Ground Black Pepper. To this part, you will want to mix it up every once in awhile. To test if done, just pull one out, let it cool, and take a bite. That's how I did it and it proved very tasty...I mean successful!

Once the Asparagus is going grab a knife, cutting board, and your mushrooms. Slice these into strips like you see on a pizza. They can be thin or thick, depends on your preference. I went with thick since that gives me an extra iota or two of time to run around checking on the Asparagus.

I then grabbed another saucepan and turned the heat to medium. To this pan I added in about a 1/2 cup of Sake, a couple spoonfuls of diced Green Onions/Scallions, heavy dash of Teriyaki Sauce, a little bit of the Garlic Salt, and the same for the Celery Salt. I say a little bit and a heavy dash, but what I really mean is just use however much you think you will enjoy. I like Garlic so more of that went in than the Celery Salt, but it could be the reverse with you.

Experimentation in the kitchen is always a fun learning experience! At least until things blow up!

Check on the Asparagus and use the tongs to move them around if necessary!

Ok, stir the Mushrooms. I used the same tongs for the Mushrooms and the Asparagus since the mixture used to sauté them in was similar. Normally this is a bad things since you will have flavors intermingle, but I risked it. Oh well, it was still delicious!

The Asparagus should be done by now, so put it on a plate and cover it to keep it warm. Then get the Mushrooms out since they cook pretty quickly. Now put the Asparagus on a plate with the Mushrooms and sprinkle Sesame Seeds on top. I also mixed together a dash of Sake, Soy Sauce, and Teriyaki Sauce as an extra dipping sauce or to drizzle over everything. Enjoy.

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