Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Taste of Autumn

Today I had several cooking ingredients to use and NO IDEA what to do with them. So, I chose to throw a dish together that ended up creating a sense of Autumn. I was quite surprised since I did not follow any sort of plan with the dish, and just created it as I went along.

6 sm White Sweet Onions
1 cup diced Chives
Herbed Butter
Tomato Sauce (mentioned earlier in blog)
Ground Black Pepper
Garlic Salt
Italian Herb Mix
2/3 cup of Port Vino

I began by eyeing the White Sweet Onions I had on hand, and decided to cut them in sections. I want to say 3 or 4 sections per onion. I also had my Chives on hand, and decided to dice those up like nobody's business.

Once those were ready, I put in about 1/2 a stick of the Herbed Butter I had into my large saucepan. I believe it was Tuscan Herbed Butter offhand. I set the heat to medium and let the butter melt...mostly at least. In went the Sweet Onions and I stirred them around to coat them with the delicious butter. After about 30 seconds, in went the diced Chives. Stirred again to mix it all together properly. At this point I added in the Ground Black Pepper and Garlic Salt. Both of these were a medium to light dusting over everything. Then the Italian Herb Mix, which was a healthy dosing around 1/3 of a cup. Mix everything together then add the 2/3 cup of Port Vino. Stir everything together again. I then put in about 3/4 to 1 cup of Tomato Sauce and stirred everything together again.

About a minute or so after this, the Onions appear to have caramelized and I deduced that everything was cooked properly so I dished it all out. I used a small bowl to serve it just as is and a small dish for having it over Couscous. Either way, was amazingly delicious! Enjoy!

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