Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chef's Original: Appetizer a l'oignon

Today I sort of threw together an entire meal on a whim. I was informed that my girlfriend was hungry and then noticed I had a fridge full of yummy goodness. So of course with any good meal, I began with a Chef's Original appetizer plate.

4 Pearl of Boiler Onions
Italian Seasoning Mis

I began by putting some butter in a saucepan, I want to say about 1/3 of a stick. Dice up your chives, sage, cilantro, and basil. Put them to the side.

Turn the stovetop to medium and have the butter start to melt. Once it is mostly melted, swirl it around to make sure the butter covers the entire bottom of the saucepan. Now toss in the chives, sage, and basil you put to the side earlier. Mix them into the butter.

Now grab your Pearl or Boiler Onions and cut the top and bottom off, as well as the outer layer. I find this makes them taste better. Toss them in when this is done. Mix around with the herbs and butter.

Continure to mix them around every thirty seconds or so to give them an even cook through. They should start to turn translucent when they are cooked enough, turn the burner off.

At this point you should have your baguette cut into small pieces, or bought that way like I did, and proceed to put some shredded cheese onto the pieces of bread. You then place the onion on top of the cheese, along with a dusting of italian seasoning mix. Enjoy.

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